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Updated 7/15/22

Verification Page

SystemVerilog for Verification, second edition - Book Cover This book is an introduction to the testbench features of the SystemVerilog language. It is meant for anyone who knows basic Verilog (1995) and needs to verify a design. It includes over 300 examples! You can order it from Amazon or Springer.

cover The best overall methodology book out there is Janick Bergeron's very useful new book Writing Testbenches with SystemVerilog The 2.5 edition now covers has great overview of verification mthodology and a brief introduction to the SystemVerilog testbench constructs.

cover A more specific methodology guide is the Verification Methodology Manual for SystemVerilog by Janick Bergeron, Ed Cerney, Alan Hunter, and Andrew Nightingale. This book contains rules for building a complete verification environment.
WIDTH=60 HEIGTH=100 ALIGN=LEFT> While not specifically dedicated to verification, John Cooley's ESNUG is a good source of information on all EDA tools. Always controversial, often raving, get the real dirt from the sheep farmer.

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